Wednesday 29 February 2012

My New York Minute

Sorry for the belated recount of my New York adventure, but I forgot to pack my camera cable. I may have been there for more than a minute, but it was all too soon before I was back on a plane bound for the west coast. It definitely did not help that I had quite the ordeal getting to New York due to a delayed flight and a missed connection resulting in the loss of half a day of my trip. However, let's not dwell on the negative because I had the best time in New York. I mean how can you not in that city, especially as I got to catch up with two friends. The laughter and storytelling that ensued only strengthened the notion that time and distance means nothing when it comes to real friendship. I got to spend time with people who know the city and with them I crisscrossed all over the East Village for dinner and dessert on Saturday then brunch on Sunday. The highlight of the foodie adventure was Freemans, a delightful and very popular restaurant with interesting decor. I indulged in the pumpkin spice pancakes and good company.
Pumpkin did seem to be the flavour of the day as we proceeded to a charming place called Once Upon A Tart in Soho. I was still full from brunch, but not too full to sample a bite of the pumpkin tart.
The long and enjoyable Sunday was rounded out by a lovely walk along the High Line, which and I quote 'is a public park built on an historic freight rail line elevated above the streets on Manhattan’s West Side'. It is quite cool and a unique way to view some of the city as well as the Hudson River. I had never taken the opportunity to venture this far west before and I am really glad I did. This is the awesome thing about New York in that you discover something new ever time, which is why I am up to five visits and cannot get enough. Our walk continued on along the Hudson River once the High Line had come to an end, concluding with dinner in Whole Foods and my inner tourist coming out to say hi at Times Square. I was mesmerized in Whole Foods by the peanut grinding machine that allows you to make your own peanut butter. The resulting product is delicious and could definitely lead to an addiction if I can locate the same machine at a Vancouver store.
Monday was my last day in New York as I flew out early Tuesday morning. As my friend had to work I took the opportunity to play tourist and reacquaint myself with the avenues, streets and places that I love. I was a very tired, but content girl by the end of my touristy day. Something to mention was the very unique welcome I got as one of the first people to walk into FAO Schwarz. All the staff members lined up on either side of the door and clapped as you walked in, which definitely is unique.
With the rising of the sun on Tuesday morning New York and I said our fond farewells with an unspoken promise to visit again soon. I had the loveliest of hostesses, who is responsible for some of the photography. To her, I offer my thanks and a gentle reminder that Vancouver is calling...

Friday 24 February 2012

Taking a bite out of the Big Apple

How awesome is it that I was able to type this and upload to the Internet courtesy of free wifi whilst on a bus. Now you are probably wondering why I am on a bus and the simple reason is because I am on my way to Seattle to get a flight to New York City for a long weekend. I am so excited, not only because I love New York, but because I get to see a dear old friend whom I haven’t seen since I left Australia in October 2009. It is going to be such an amazing time and I cannot wait to tell you all about it on Monday. To tide you over until then check out the photo collage I put together from my last trip to the Big Apple…

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Short and sweet randomness

This is going to be, as the title suggests, a short and sweet post tonight due to the challenging week I am currently having. However, I definitely couldn't let my week be a barrier to the continuity of one of the things I hold near and dear. I stumbled across my blogging inspiration whilst surfing the Internet. As random as it sounds I challenge you to discover the song that was number one on the Billboard charts the day you were born. You might want to do the old Google search for this one, but if time is of the essence like it is for me at the moment, then click here and locate accordingly. For those interested, my song was Africa by Toto and funnily enough I actually have it in my iTunes library, but I have apparently only listened to it once...well make that twice now. What a random, yet interesting piece of information to acquire, maybe it can become a conversation starter at an awkward gathering in the future.

Monday 20 February 2012

Handle with care

There were no new baking projects or adventures this weekend, instead I put my time to good use plodding along with ticking things off my to do list and trying to relax. However, it is a little bit harder to relax when my mind is slightly pre-occupied. One of the reasons for my pre-occupation is that I have begun to notice a disturbing trend with some of my prized possessions. It all began a few weeks ago when I went to check the time one morning and to my dismay the watch given to me as a 21st birthday present from my parents had a sizable crack in the glass. It is currently at the watch repair shop being fixed, as the sentimental value was too strong to put it away broken and buy a new one. Although, when you think about it, eight years with only sporadic battery replacements was a good run. Furthermore, this past weekend I was pulling my iPod out of my handbag and noticed that the earphones' wire had become exposed. They still work, but I think it is in my best interest to buy new ones rather than try to keep them together with a piece of tape. When it comes to items like this I definitely prefer to stick to the original brand rather than choosing an alternative one. It may seem silly, but I like the idea of having Apple earphones with an Apple iPod. Therefore, new earphones for my iPod just leapfrogged all the 'I want' on my shopping wish list. The good thing is that in the interim I have my iPod shuffle to listen to when I am on the go. The last item of concern is the longevity of the very thing I am typing this on - my MacBook. I have had it for a few years now and every so often I notice more scratches and hairline cracks on it. It saddens me to look at it each day and see the pieces of tape helping to keep it together. I feel like I should start a piggy bank to save for a new MacBook to help prepare for the inevitable and also to pay for it. I would be lost without my MacBook because I use it everyday, not only to blog, but to listen to music, stay in contact with those dearest to me and to surf the Internet in general. I try to look after it as best as I can, but I am sure if could do with a day off every now and again. As such I will have to schedule one asap before it is too late and make sure I am backing it up more often; I think every few days would be best. Let's just hope that no more prized possessions join this list any time soon. 

Friday 17 February 2012

Musical musings for February

Seeing as I purchase music from iTunes several times a month I thought it would be a fun idea to have a musical musing for each month. This brings me to the month of February, which is fast coming to an end. When I am at work I like to have the radio streaming through the Internet because I seem to work better with a beat than with the silence of my office. My radio station of choice is The Peak, which is less mainstream and more alternative, often showcasing up and coming artists. I was introduced to the station by my favourite Canadian and it didn't take me long to get hooked so I am very grateful to her. Thanks to this radio station I have discovered and fallen in love with several artists I wouldn't normally have if I listened to more commercial radio. This brings me to my song purchases of the month:
  1. Hold On - Wilson Phillips
  2. Call It Off - Tegan & Sara
  3. Save Your Scissors - City and Colour
  4. Comin' Home - City and Colour
  5. Waiting...- City and Colour
  6. The Girl - City and Colour
  7. Sleeping Sickness - City and Colour
  8. Fallout - Marianas Trench
As you can see City and Colour dominates the purchases thus far and I just learnt tonight that the name is a play on words from the artist's name - Dallas Green, which is quite cool. I really wish I had discovered City and Colour before both January concerts sold out. Let's just hope 'next time' happens sooner rather than later. At the moment I have only been purchasing individual songs. However, the awesome thing is that if you purchase the album version of a song then if you decide you want the complete album at a later stage you can download the remainder at a reduced cost. If you are familiar with any of the artists above then you will also know that all of them minus Wilson Phillips are Canadian, way to represent! Wilson Phillips is definitely the random purchase of the group. Watching the movie Bridesmaids a little while ago inspired this purchase. Life is better when you have music in it; nothing beats a catchy tune that lifts your mood and gets your feet tapping away.
February's music can be found on these albums (images courtesy of iTunes)

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Colourblocking or Colorblocking

Regardless of how you spell it, colourblocking is definitely a current fashion trend that I would like to get my hands on. I would particularly like it in the form of a top or a dress, but could quite happily settle for a tote. With this in mind, I did a bit of research online to see what was available when it comes to colourblocking. There are a lot of options available at the moment for this fashion trend and as such it will probably be the budget that decides the purchase. Therefore, the following options, both near and far, cheap and expensive, will give you an idea of what there is to snap up if you too want to get on board with this fashion trend. When it comes to a colourblocked top, the person watching their pennies might want to choose this option from Forever 21:
Or if you live in my homeland, Australia, then this stylish option from Jeanswest might be more to your liking:
If your budget can stretch a little bit further and you live in Canada or USA then check out Aritzia, a store I would love to shop in all the time, for this number:
Colourblocked dresses are also very cute and I like the bright colour combinations, which is why the dress below, seen on Shop Bop, really appealed to me. However, it is just a shame about the price tag.
Alternatively, if you don't need anymore clothes, but want to embrace this fashion trend then there is always the option of a tote. Gap has an option that comes in a few different colour combinations and is budget-friendly:
Shop Bop again provides a pricier option when it comes to the colourblocking trend, this time with a rather stylish tote:
The conclusion I have come to is that if I want a colourblocked item that fits into my budget then a store like Forever 21 would be my best bet.

Monday 13 February 2012

Popcorn and Pumpkin

This weekend was all about staying indoors out of the rain and catching up on some things I had neglected of late. I also took this opportunity to do a bit of cooking, some for pure pleasure and some for a reason. I was asked to make caramel corn for a friend's wedding favour and with that type of thing you definitely don't need to ask me twice as I love the chance to help out and if it involves baking then even better. The recipe I chose can be found here, which coincidentally is a wedding blog so very relevant. To pop the corn on the stovetop, I followed the directions on the packet. I popped two and a half cups of corn; therefore I multiplied the caramel part of the recipe by two and a half. I also used golden syrup instead of golden corn syrup. There was every intention of taking photos of the caramel before or even whilst pouring it over the popcorn, however my saucepan was not big enough and when the baking soda was added it foamed over the sides. It was quite the messy and sticky situation so I had to work quickly during this part of the recipe. The caramel corn turned out really well and I know if I make it again then I definitely need a bigger saucepan that is for sure.
My second project of the weekend was to use the butternut squash or butternut pumpkin, for those reading this in my motherland, that I mentioned here in my first attempt at homemade soup. I didn't follow a recipe at all, instead I made it up as I went so there is definitely some room for improvement, but it wasn't too bad. Firstly, I put four cups of water in a saucepan and put it on medium heat to boil. I then peeled and cut up the butternut squash, placing it in the saucepan for thirty minutes. At this time, I blended the butternut squash and water a bit at a time in my blender. I returned the now smooth soup to the stovetop adding salt, pepper, cinnamon (I didn't have any nutmeg) and cream, all to taste. I added an extra half a cup of water so as to achieve a thinner consistency. With the additional ingredients, I believe it is best to add as little or as much as preferred to achieve the ideal taste and consistency. The soup was returned to the boil then served with a dash of cream and some freshly buttered toast. 
It was a great first attempt at both of these projects and I am sure it won't be the last attempt either.

Friday 10 February 2012

Freebies on Friday

It is not uncommon on a Friday night after work for me to stop for a window shop or two as I slowly make my way home. I think I do it on a Friday night because everything seems less of a hurry when you know that there are two whole days of playtime ahead. I love the weekend; in the same way a child might say recess is their favourite part of the school day. Tonight I stopped into two of my favourite stores, Chapters and Sephora. My motivation for choosing these two stores to browse in was the enticing birthday rewards awaiting me due to the fact that I was signed up for both of their free loyalty programs. Granted I didn't actually have to buy anything from Sephora to receive my birthday treat, but I felt a little bit cheeky walking up to the register empty-handed to ask for my gift. Instead, I took the opportunity to buy a durable, yet cute nail file. This eradicated any guilt and I still walked out feeling pleased with my purchase and my new mini lip treatments courtesy of Fresh, whom I was already a big fan of. When it comes to Chapters I could happily get lost in there for hours, perusing the shelves of books, magazines and gifts. Their birthday treat was bonus reward points, which you build up to hit targets to redeem for monetary amounts. I resisted the urge to take them up on their buy 2 get 1 free paperback book offer even though I would love the opportunity to reacquaint myself with my favourite author, James Patterson, as mentioned here. However, I did pick up the latest copy of People Style Watch magazine, which means I really should tackle my unread magazine pile this weekend. I love a good bargain and as such I do look in the clearance section in most stores and definitely in Chapters. I try not to make random purchases all the time just because they are at a reduced price, but sometimes or maybe many times I do throw common sense out the window, replacing my need with my want. This particular store visit saw me acquire a Christmas-themed white chocolate cocoa mix at a heavily discounted price. As I pondered over the purchase I thought I could either use it to make white hot chocolate, which would be great considering it is winter still, or I thought there was a possibility that it could be a recipe ingredient for an upcoming baking project. I had no real idea what kind of recipe, although I had a possible inkling of using it in a similar capacity to cocoa powder. Regardless, it too was purchased and with that both my bank account and my heart were a little bit lighter. 

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Steveston, worth a second look

Sometimes a destination or place is worth exploring more than once, especially with today's ever evolving society and landscape. With this in mind, I once more ventured out to Steveston, a place first mentioned here. My desire to return was fueled by the sunny weather, thoughts of cute homeware stores and the fact that one of my current favourite TV shows, Once Upon a Time, is being filmed there at the moment. It was definitely worth the second look and I feel like a third or forth wouldn't be out of the question either. You can't go to the seaside on a sunny day and not partake in some fish and chips. This time around we tried Dave's Fish and Chips and it was delicious. The homeware store were as cute as ever, yet I couldn't justify a purchase due to the current state of my bedroom with it's lack of storage and display space. Therefore, I reluctantly passed this time around, but I look forward to future purchase opportunities. 
I must say at one point we were even enamoured by the lids on our hot beverages from Waves Coffee House because the mechanism for opening and closing the pouring spout seemed ingenious. Cake goes well with a hot beverage so you know you are onto a good thing when there is a delightful cupcake store, Bell's Bake Shop, present. If only we hadn't stumbled upon it after the fish and chips, but as they say there is always next time. 
One of the highlights of this little Saturday adventure was that some of the storefronts were emblazoned with the names of what they become for the filming of Once Upon a Time. Honestly I was like a kid in a candy store and very snap happy so imagine what I would have been like if there had been actual filming on Saturday. 
The disappearing sun and the resulting drop in temperature seemed to bring the outing to a close, but there are definitely a few more Steveston visits to come.

Monday 6 February 2012

Super Bowl Sundae

Like so many other people yesterday, I was watching the Super Bowl and eating a lot of delicious food. I love watching sport, preferably live, but I will happily settle for the comfort of the lounge room, a big television and good company. I had all three of these things yesterday and it was a great afternoon minus the fact I was hoping the Patriots would win. My contribution to the Super Bowl viewing was the inspiration I mentioned on Friday and came in the form of Super Bowl sundae cupcakes. 
I used the chocolate chip cupcake recipe found here and combined it with the simple vanilla buttercream frosting I found here. I was really happy that my cupcakes did not come away from their cases this time. I think this was because they were baked for the whole 25 minutes. For the frosting I folded in approximately three tablespoons of sprinkles for a subtle confetti effect. I used my newly purchased ice-cream scoop to place the frosting on top of the cupcakes. I could have possibly done with a bigger ice-cream scoop or more frosting, but I think the result wasn't too shabby.
The finishing touches to my Super Bowl sundae cupcakes were the strawberry wafer and the Haigh's chocolate freckle on top, which was part of a farewell present from Australia. 
Not to be cheesy, but in the spirit of things, I think my Super Bowl sundae cupcakes scored their own touchdown.

Friday 3 February 2012

Smiles and Inspiration

The weekend is finally here, however on quiet reflection it doesn't actually feel that long since I felt my usual Friday evening euphoria. Oh time, you do play tricks with my mind! Today I had some seriously ditzy, laugh out loud at yourself moments. I don't know if it is an overworked brain, a long to do list, the sudden rush of inspiration I've had these past few days or the heightened excitement I am feeling as I edge closer to my birthday. Sorry to dwell on this upcoming event so much, but I feel like it is a significant milestone for me, the last year of my twenties. It doesn't hurt that I now have two packages to add to my envelopes and am being sent emails offering me free beauty products, bonus loyalty points and even a free smoothie; if only I was back in Australia to take up that offer. It is all very exciting and I feel incredibly loved. Back to all things inspiring, I have had a baking idea pop into my head. I don't want to Google the concept in case it distracts me from my visions, but I will need to Google a recipe for my idea. Where would we be these days without Google I wonder! All I can say for now is that it will involve the following newly purchased items courtesy of Winners and T&T Supermarket:    
The other piece of sudden inspiration involves travel. Sometimes it feels like you need a vacation after your vacation. I don't necessary feel this way right now, but I am moving on from my current employment in a few weeks. As such, I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to head over to the Big Apple for a self-imposed long weekend to see a dear old friend before I dive into new employment. This inspiration is actually quite impulsive and may not come to fruition, but it makes me smile just thinking about the possibility that it could happen. It would be visit number five and I really cannot get enough of that place; there is so much to see and do. Every time I discover new delightful things, whilst reacquainting myself with old favourites, like Lady Liberty. You can never really take a bad photo of her even with a point and shoot camera like mine:
I guess inspiration did know where to find me after all, thank goodness for that. Now I am off to embrace what should be a fun-filled, relaxing weekend.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

New Month New Outlook

Today marks the beginning of one of my favourite months of the year, February. It receives this honour primarily because I was born in it, which means that some sort of birthday festivities will take place around the 9th. If you put aside the whole aging process, I really enjoy celebrating my birthday each year and trying to do something fun to mark the occasion. I have already received two envelopes in the post that I am patiently waiting to open. However, my birthday plans are still to be determined because things are quite disorganised at the moment and as a gal who is very much pro-organization this isn't sitting so well with me. I even went to the grocery store tonight without a list or reusable bags and I rarely go there without a list because then I end up making random purchases or forgetting something I need. Yep I did both of these things tonight, forgetting butter and buying a butternut squash. Although as I reached for the butternut squash I was envisioning how delicious it would taste either roasted or made into soup, stay tuned! At least I didn't make the other common mistake when grocery shopping, that of doing it on an empty stomach and therefore letting hunger dictate what is purchased. This might not seem like such a big deal but if you throw in the fact that I have unread books and magazines, unwatched DVDs and a serious lack of motivation to cook for myself then you begin to realise that I need to sort myself out and get back on track with not only these things, but also my ever-growing to do list. I mean something must be wrong if I still have a significant amount of my Aussie goodies left to So it seems moving forward I should adopt a new mantra - new month, new outlook, which is what I am going to do to get back on track. No more pity parties for one, instead I am going to carpe diem. Maybe it might help if I plan some exciting excursions, not only local but mini weekend getaways as well because there is still so many places I want to visit. This is starting to sound like quite the plan, best get onto it and no more negativity!
Image captured in Liverpool, UK (June 2011)